Working in difficult times

9:00 AM
5:00 PM

The University of Auckland Auckland

This one-day symposium has been organised by the Institute of Organisational Psychology (IOP).
IOP members $50; non-IOP members $100; IOP students: free

The Institute will host a symposium on 23rd of November to compliment the Organisational Behaviour Conference on 24 November at the University of Auckland.

The theme for the conference will be how do we help organisations work through the current challenges. Employee engagement has dipped over Covid for the first time - particularly in front line workers. Not only have people been impacted by Covid and isolation, but they are also dealing with cost-of-living challenges and extreme weather events.

We will have a keynote address by Brad Norris from Synergy Health on a mental health challenge being run with several clients in September. Identifying what strategies are most effective - individual, team or organisational.

We are looking for abstracts for papers that will go for 25 minutes, 5 for questions. We also have spaces for two workshops in the afternoon.

In the evening of the 23rd we will have a dinner for all organisational psychology practitioners (attendees of the conference or not).

Please click on the link for the conference flyer with the programme of the day and abstracts of presentations.