Addressing Unique Mental Health Needs in New Zealand's Chinese Population

1:00 PM
3:00 PM


The workshop will address subtle cultural factors, barriers, and clients' expectations, while also providing practical strategies for effective client engagement. (90-120 minutes)
NZPsS Members: $60; NZPsS Students: $30; Non-Members: $90

This event will be recorded, except for the last section when Chinese psychologists introduce themselves.

Please note that all events have to be paid in full before your registration is confirmed. Zoom links and materials will be sent to paid registrants only.

The goal of the workshop is to help clinicians better understand the nuances of working with Chinese clients from diverse backgrounds, build confidence in engaging with this client group, and connect with Chinese psychologists for referral and cultural support. The workshop will address subtle cultural factors, barriers, and clients' expectations, while also providing practical strategies for effective client engagement. Additionally, it will cover ways to engage with the broader Chinese population who may not yet be ready for typical psychological therapies, offering suggestions for meeting them where they are and encouraging their participation in services.

At the end of the workshop, there will be an opportunity for Chinese psychologists who have participated in the development of this workshop to introduce themselves to the audience, aiming to create a meaningful connection-building experience for all involved.

In preparing for the workshop, Yi assembled a team of over 20 Chinese psychologists from diverse backgrounds to contribute their perspectives through several group discussions on Zoom. Although Yi is leading the workshop, it represents a collaborative effort and contribution by this group.

Presenter: Yi Zhang

Yi is a New Zealand trained and registered psychologist. She has noticed a stigma around seeking mental health support within the Chinese community, despite a significant need for it. To address this, she has been offering free online Zoom workshops since 2021 to raise awareness and improve access to mental health resources. Her efforts have led to the growth of an online group with 500 members and over 800 followers on her social media, and the creation of over 40 workshop videos available on her YouTube channel. In 2024, Yi began collaborating with psychologists in New Zealand and Australia to expand the range of content available to the Chinese community. Her YouTube channel addresses various topics, including parenting, relationship issues, and safeguarding children from sexual abuse.

Yi has a special interest in trauma work, rooted in her previous experience with Oranga Tamariki. She currently runs a private practice in West Auckland, where she focuses exclusively on adult clients and couples. Yi is an ACC Sensitive Claims provider, a certified Imago Relationship Therapist, and is trained in EMDR. She values working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds and offers her services in both English and Mandarin.