Please note: All Presenters are required to pay at least one-day registration fee – Contact NZPsS National Office for more information if required.
Submissions are invited for Fora, Symposia, Individual Papers, Posters, and Workshops. Refer to the Guide to Submissions (PDF) for further details about the proposed format of programme content. Registration fee information will be available soon.
All abstract submissions are reviewed by psychology experts selected by the academic programme convener.
Abstract Submission Form – please use this to submit individual papers. For symposia, forums, panels please send details via Word document or in the body of the email to
Acceptance of papers/presentations will be dependent upon programme space available.
In keeping with the Society’s commitment to bicultural development and the provisions, spirit and intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we ask that presenters read our Bicultural Guidelines (originally prepared for book chapter authors but relevant to all material prepared for publication/presentation by the Society and at Society events).
Information for Conference Presenters
Oral presentation sessions including mini-workshops: All individual submissions will be allocated to a stream depending upon the topic specified in the abstract. 20 minute presentations are limited and mini-workshops have priority.
Students must choose the Psychology Snippets presentation style. NZPsS student subscribers are eligible for Best Student Oral Presentation.
Audio-Visual Equipment – All rooms will have a data projector, a laptop, sound and access to the internet. Any other equipment must be specially requested. Contact the Professional Development Coordinator at NZPsS National Office ()
All presentations must be brought to Conference on an USB Memory Stick. – which is then inserted into the laptop at the start of the allocated presentation slot.
The Society does not produce ‘Conference proceedings’ but presenters are invited to send their powerpoints for publication on the website and/or submit papers for publication in Psychology Aotearoa or the New Zealand Journal of Psychology.
Presenters are required to register – for at least the day they are presenting, and any other days of attendance. Earlybird registrations close 15 July 2024- please register early.
Poster Presentations
Poster presenters are required to register and pay for at least one day at Conference, the same as paper presenters.
Rapid Communication Poster Sessions: These sessions offer presenters an opportunity to display research findings in an exciting and visually stimulating format. Posters will be allocated to a specific group depending upon their topic. Presenters can speak for 5 minutes about their poster and leave 5 minutes for questions from the audience. Posters will be displayed for the duration of the whole conference to provide presenters with maximum exposure.
- Poster submissions should be made in the same way as paper presentations, using the abstract submission form available here (this includes a ‘tick box’ for poster identification.)
- The maximum space allocation per poster is: 1200mm wide x 1500mm
- Include a section at the top containing the poster title, name/s of author/s and their affiliation/s.
- Ensure the poster material is large enough to be viewed from a distance of one metre.
- Keep any drawings and charts clear and simple.
- Velcro attachments will be provided.
- Student Subscribers presenting posters will be eligible for the Best Student Paper Prize.